Brand and Ross and Andrew Sachs
Am I missing something?
Never mind that the row over their programme is STILL going on. Unbelievably.
We are told that Brand and Ross are brilliant and edgy and take risks and sometimes this means they get it wrong. OK. Can someone help me with what is risky or edgy about leaving puerile and immature schoolboy messages on Andrew Sach’s answerphone?
Wow. Clever stuff. Certainly not something that 13 year old boys might do. Takes a sharp and smart mind to dream up such genius.
No point in sacking them. They’ll both be in other jobs before they’ve left the BBC. Why not take them to a quiet room and explain what being funny entails. It might take a while in Brand’s case. I must be old because I have never so much as lifted a lip molecule to one of his gags. Ross just should know better.