See? It wasn’t our fault, that Argie’s to blame

This ruling by the FA’s arbitration idiots allows anyone to blame anyone else for their short comings.

Let’s get away from all the bluster about Carlos Tevez’s transfer to West Ham a couple of seasons ago, its legality etc and look at what the judgement means. It means that Sheffield United can claim £30 million on the back of assumption and conjecture. Worse still, they have been allowed to blame their mulitple failings in their Premier League season on someone else.

To say that Carlos Tevez is the sole reason they got relegated is to view the rest of the season as some sort of fantasy land where results didn’t matter. Sheffield United had 38 games in which to score enough points to stay up. They did not. Never mind what other teams didor did not do. They were not good enough to stay up.

Sure, West Ham staged a remarkable recovery but can it be proved beyond any doubt that this would not have happend without Tevez? Of course it can’t. It’s a kind of retrospective crystal ball gazing and does football no credit whatever. The fact is that the FA should have punished West Ham more severely during the season. They chose not to. Yes West Ham broke the rules and have already paid. Everything else is irrelevant and cannot be proved.

What next, a relegated club taking another side to court because they claim an injury to a player was instrumental in their downfall? Because fouling a player is against the riles too, is it not?

I am now considering launching an appeal against Ipswich Town’s last relegation. I shall conveniently ignore the fact that we were bloody useless for half the season and examine footage until I discover an erroneous decision that might have prevented a goal that would therefore have changed a result and made someone lose and someone else win and so muck up someone’s mental attitude so they lost their next match and so didn’t get enough points and so we should have finished 17th. See?


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• September 24th, 2008 • Posted in Football • Comments: 0