A quick project update…

Raven book six - just starting to fly

Next fantasy project – on the drawing board and looking better than I could have envisaged at this stage.

Playscript -joint venture Was read recently and now we’ve gone back to redraft. Next stage is to look for a venue (scary stuff)

Raven films - 1st draft treatment written. Will need redrafting and redirecting.

Children’s books project – no progress…

Just a couple of bits of vague interest. I’ll definitely attending two convention this year and possibly a third. I’ll be at Easterconin Hinckley (!) for the Saturday. Not for anything in particular, mainly to catch up with friends and lurk in the bar and at a few panels I’m also going to Torcon in Toronto at the end of August. That’ll be my first Worldcon and should be enlightening to say the least. The other, in Washington later in the year I’m undecided about. If you’re at either, don’t forget to come and say hello.

And the other thing? Ipswich beat Norwich 2-0. Satisfying? You bet your hat. But I shan’t rub it into any Norwich fans I know. Not much anyway.

Oh, and there was a third thing (this could get like Python’s Spanish Inquisition…) I’ve been getting plenty of emails recently asking who is better out of characters A and B… Sort of deathmatch questions. Is this a craze? If it is it’s a slightly pointless one. I’m afraid I’ve been rather short with a couple of emailers – apologies for that but when you;re asking me about characters I either haven’t read about for ages or have never even heard of, I do feel I’m wasting my time.

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• March 3rd, 2003 • Posted in News • Comments: 0